吳書昀教授 Professor Shu-Yun Wu

吳書昀教授 Professor Shu-Yun Wu

中心主任 The Center Director

  • 學歷:英國巴斯大學社會政策博士
    Educational background: PhD in Social Policy, University of Bath, UK
  • 專長:兒少虐待與保護、兒少家外安置、兒童少年家庭照顧者、兒少政策與服務
    Area of expertise: Child protection, Out-of-home care, Young carers, Children and youth policy and services
  • 工作項目:綜理與督導中心各項業務
    Work tasks: Oversee and supervise all center operations
  • 電話:049-2910960 轉 3730 / 4620
  • Email:sywu@ncnu.edu.tw
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